Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Prayer Request: Ethiopia Changes/Delay

Yesterday we received an email with not so good news.

The Ethiopian Government has decided to make changes to their adoption process. They are consulting with other countries to see how their programs run.
While they are in the process of discussing/making those changes the government is not renewing licenses with Agencies in Ethiopia causing them to not send referrals out.

(Referral = Files containing a child's information (pictures/medical info/etc) matched with a family. This is what we are "waiting" to receive from our agency for our Lily.)

Our agency informed us that they are not accepting any more Applications for Ethiopia at this point & that  worse case scenario we could move laterally to another program (Country) within our agency.......

When I hear the term in the adoption world "Worth the fight" this is the fighting I think of.

This fight is fought on my knees.

For we are not fighting against flesh & blood enemies, but against evil rulers & authorities of the unseen world, against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Eph 6:12

There is an enemy that is real y'all. 
And his greatest desire is to steal, kill & destroy. 
And he doesn't care what your name is, how much money you have or who your momma is! 

He does not want these orphans to have forever families!  
I know the end of the story and the Lord still.wins.

Would you please, please pray with us?!?!

Pray for:

*the orphans in Ethiopia
*the families waiting
*for birth mamma's & daddy's 
*for speedy decisions/changes to take place within the government that would ultimately make this process more efficient!!

We are fighting for you baby girl!
Tooth.and.nail.on.our.knees.FIGHTING.for you!
The enemy will not win! He may cause delay but my God NEVER delays!
He is ALWAYS on time! 

We are doing what Moses said: 

"We are not going to be afraid! We are standing still & watching the Lord himself fight for you!" 
Ex 14:13-14

May the things of Earth grow strangely dim in the light of His glory & grace,


Monday, January 28, 2013

Created 4 Care: My Confession...

"That doesn't sound like you."

Is what my momma told me this morning on the phone when I was telling her about my weekend at Created 4 Care.
This weekend was not a fun, warm fuzzy, picture takin' weekend.
It was a hard, lonely, emotional one.

Imagine a woman who can't bear children surrounded by 400+ momma's who all weekend are sharing their stories about their children, showing pictures on their phones to each other, laughing, taking pictures together in hopes of keeping up with each other later.

This is how I felt.

Listening to all the other adoptive mamma's go on & on about their travel experiences, the countries, the challenges they are dealing with now, when they are adopting next, share the pictures..

And then after they got finished my questions would come:

What country are you adopting from?
Me: Ethiopia

How long have you been home?
Me: We are waiting.

Oh, how long have you been waiting?
Me: Almost 5 months

Yes, we waited 2 years.


And that was every other conversation I had or over heard.

Ethiopia....2.5 year wait....Ethiopia....2 year wait....Ethiopia....3 year wait......

This thought of this time in the waiting room being 6-12 months is not reality.
Listen, it could be, but the chances are not likely.
The hard core truth is that we are going to be waiting a loooooong time.

Before I knew it, I was becoming angry, bitter, JEALOUS, lonely & was ready to leave.

Sure there were 250+ other momma's there who were also in the waiting room along with me but the last thing I wanted to do go seek them out & encourage them to sit around with me and talk about how jealous I was. Who in the world would want to do that?

I knew my heart was showing on my face. I knew that it was becoming VERY obvious that everything I was feeling was being shown and I HATED it. How selfish of me to allow my sour state effect my friends who are rejoicing with fellow momma's and new friends over what the Lord has done for them, how He is still working all of their stuff for good & sharing those precious pictures of their blessings!

Saturday night I found myself around a corner by myself to escape the smiles & laughter, Bible in hand & called my husband.

I begin to tell him everything I was feeling, experiencing & how I just wanted to escape it SO BAD!
I was ready to come home.

He tried to encourage me & remind me that all of them had been exactly where I was at one point & knew how I was feeling & for me to remember all that the Lord had done thus far in our journey. His voice was encouraging alone.

We hung up & I just sat. I needed something from the Lord, I needed some encouragement from HIS Word.
I opened my Bible to Habakkuk, of all places, & began reading:

Even though the fig trees have no blossoms & there are no grapes on the vines,
even though the olive crop fails & the fields lie empty & barren;
even though the flocks die in the fields & the cattle barns are empty,
YET I will rejoice in the Lord!
I will be joyful in the God of my salvation!

Hab 3:17-19

This is exactly how I was feeling.
No blossoms, no grapes, failure, EMPTY, BARREN

But I KNEW I had to CHOOSE to rejoice.
And at the time, the last thing I wanted to do was rejoice.
It comes to the point where you choose to trump your feelings & beg the Holy Spirit to take over.

I had to read the words out.loud. Just reading them in my mind was not good enough.
I had to say them out loud.
When His name is said, the very atmosphere has to change.
And it.did for me in that moment. Thank you LORD.

He met me right there in that little corner, right in my bitterness, anger, jealousy, loneliness & gave me a Word of hope.

Even though my little pink blossom isn't here yet & the barn is feeling empty of a precious little girl, YET I will rejoice in the Lord.

Y'all the rubber is hitting the road.

We heard this weekend:

"Adoption is not an act, it's a process."

And this stripping away of me is a part of the process called: "Adoptification" aka sanctification through adoption.

I went back to our room filled with 2 momma's home with their China babies & one friend who came as a supporter to her best friend.

Side note: you do NOT have to be an adoptive momma to attend Created 4 Care. You can come as a supporter of someone you know who is adopting/has adopted. OR if you are praying about/considering adoption. I HIGHLY recommend you attend. This kind of real-life training/teaching is not in a book & not online.

I knew the Lord was doing a work. As I laid there in the bed Saturday night I literally felt like I was in a warzone. The enemy on one side & the Lord on the other. My flesh on 1 side & the Holy Spirit on the other and I COULD NOT get the upper hand. I just couldn't do it. I couldn't overcome the jealousy, the bitterness, the anger, the feeling of wanting to escape. Even with my Word He had just given me to help me in that moment I knew something else was needing to take place.

The next morning the Lord delivered the perfect message through our speaker.
He tends to do that.
Deliver just what you need at just the right timing.
Whether it's a word or a Lily.

She taught on the story of Hagar, you know, the Egyptian servant Sarai got Abram to sleep with so they could have an heir?  Sarai became contempt (angry/jealous) with Hagar & treated her horribly so Hagar fled to the wilderness. Poor Hagar! This was not her fault! When she got to the wilderness the Angel of the Lord FOUND her (bc He sees right where we are), called her by Name (bc He knows our name) & asked her "where have you come from & where are you going?" The Angel proceeded to tell Hagar to return to Sarai, submit to her authority & added "I will give you more descendants that you can count." (Through her son Ishmael.) The Angel went on to be very honest with her & told her "this son of yours will be a wild man, as untamed as a wild donkey! He will raise his fist against everyone, yes he will live in open hostility with his relatives."
Then Hagar referred to the Lord as "El Roi" which means, "the God who sees" & she said "I have been seen by the One who sees."

Once you have been seen by The One who see's, it doesn't matter who else sees you.

So Hagar went back. Abraham & Sarah had their son Issac. He grew up & was about to be weaned so they threw a party. At the party Sarah saw Ishmael laughing & that same bitterness & anger rose up in her towards her Egyptian servant Hagar & Sarah had Hagar & Ishmael banished.


Hagar & Ishmael ended up wandering in the wilderness & when the water was gone she made Ishmael go sit in the shade while she went a little ways off & began to pour her heart out to the Lord.
"I don't want to watch the boy die."
God heard the cries of the boy & said "Hagar, I have heard the boy crying, go to him & comfort him, for I will make a great nation from his descendants."

And here it is..............

"Then God opened Hagar's eyes........and she saw a well full of water....."

In her state of hopelessness Hagar had lost her vision. She could no longer see. She couldn't see what the Lord was doing. She couldn't fix her eyes on the promise He had made to her the first time in the wilderness: " I will give you more descendants than you can count."

When He opened her eyes, He opened her spiritual eyes & gave her vision.

He enabled her to see the movement she could not see. 

Oh Lord this is what I need!! The reality of waiting for a possibility of years completely & utterly wipes out my vision. I'm being honest.

This is not something my husband's sweet words can encouragement me to get through.
This is not something my best friend who has been there & done that can get me through.
This is ONLY something the Lord can get me through and the realization of this IS HARD.

In my kicking & screaming on the inside, my flesh, wants to take over & become a hard hearted, bitter, jealous girl.

There is my confession.
Here is what I am asking the Lord:

Open my spiritual eyes so I can see the movement I can not see with my own eyes.
I want to perceive what You are doing.
I want to know what you are doing.
I want to be aware of your presence.

This picture of me coming to the END of myself & Him taking over is what it feels like.
And the scary part is that I know there will be more things to come to the end of but...'
Becoming more like my Jesus is worth it.
And my daughter is worth it.
And His glory is worth it.
And knowing Him more is worth it.

That image of the man sculpting a tiger out of a block of wood comes to mind.
He see's the tiger before He even begins & chisels everything away that is not the tiger for the end result...

Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror but THEN we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but THEN I will know everything completely, just as God knows me completely.
1 Cor 13:12

May the things of Earth grow strangely dim in the light of His glory & grace,


Sunday, January 6, 2013


We've been a waiting a little over 4 {FOUR} Months!!!
It just zipped on by just like that!
And since it's been several weeks since I posted last there are lots to fill you in on what we've been doing waiting on this little African Princess to make her arrival.

A few months ago Emily & I took a road trip to Atlanta. (That's one of our favorite things to to! Shout out to our incredible husbands who give us to time steal away!) She told me that she had surprise lunch plans for us & of course I got excited! It KILLED me but I literally had no idea where we were going until we pulled up in the parking lot & saw this sign:

 Y'all I could barley get into the dern parking space I was so excited!!!!!!!!
Of course I was tearing up before we could get in the door good! #tearball

We walked in to Authentic sites, music, art, people, clothing, pictures, baskets, food, you name it and it was real & straight from Ethiopia!!

Our waitress greeted us when we walked in & it.was.SURREAL! This young woman was beautiful & I couldn't help but think, my daughter! My daughter will resemble this when she is grown! SHE.WAS.BEAUTIFUL! Like, I couldn't stop starring at her.

When she sat us, it was sort of an awkward moment because I was obviously in a little state of shock/excitement/overwhelmed/emotional/every other feeling under the sun so Emily explained to her that it was our first time there & I was in the process of adopting a little girl from Ethiopia. She was very kind & patient & let me ask all sorts of questions. Part of me wanted to keep asking her questions just to hear her speak <3

Her name is Tizita. (tuh-zita) It means "melody" or "song." The way she described it was like as mother being filled with a melody/song (joy) over her baby. She just recently move to Atlanta.

We told her we wanted authentic ET food, we wanted to try everything & that I couldn't handle spicy food.
She handed us the menu:

And began to explain how it worked.
First let me point out what the Greeting says at the top:

"Sharing food from the same plate, and the breaking of injera, to pick up a mouth full of the chosen dish, signifies the bonds of friendship."

It was such a special treat to have my very first taste of Ethiopia with my best friend! What a cool thing to share with her! Our bond exceeds an injera breaking meal any day! #Jesus
Please Note: we passed on the Gursha tradition ;) HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

While we were waiting on our food I couldn't stand it any longer. I had to get up and walk around to look at things. We had the whole place to ourselves! The Lord just arranged it that way so strangers wouldn't have to see my cryface. :)

Lots of DJ equipment behind those curtains. They like to dance ;)

All of the table tops had different things on/in them.
Some were filled with seeds & all sorts of things like this one below.
Others were filled with pictures of Athletes (running of course) & pictures of their beautiful land.
This one above is of the alphabet.

You have to know the condition of my heart right now.

It's so wanting any.little.thing it can grab to soak in & know about where/who our daughter is. 
What music she is hearing, 
The language spoken around her, 
The distinct look of her people, 
Their culture, 
Their food
Their hair, 
Their skin, 

And ALL of it was right in front of me and I was just plain ole' overwhelmed. 

It was like I had stepped inside Ethiopia for just a little while & got to feel it. 
This process is causing us to fall in love with another land/country/people we have never met before & our hearts are becoming tied there. 

I got back to our table, my heart so full of joy & longing for her at the same time.
The tears just came out.
So thankful, so so thankful to be there.
And I'm not exactly sure when we will be able to finally see her sweet face but one thing I'm sure of this...

I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.
Ps 27:13

We will see her! 

So the food came, we drank tea & shared our meal from this big circle thing with all sorts of stuff on it!
Some we recognized & some we didn't but tried.

So this is what you do, you unroll the rolls of injera around the edges, tear off a piece & use it to grab whatever your going to eat & then put all of it in your mouth.
The injera bread was spongy & porous & almost tasted like sour dough bread a little.

I'll be real honest with you, Tizita nor the owner of the restaurant would tell us what Tripe was when we ordered it. We tried it all, even the HOT AS FIRE spicy beef. I mean it was like someone was in my throat with a little knife jabbing me! H.O.T! After we both tried the Tripe Tizita & the owner came over to check on us & I asked him exactly what is tripe. He said "you know, tripe" and proceeded to rub his abdominal area and told us it was the stomach/intestines of a bull. Ummmmm.... WHAT? Yes, bull.

In other countries/cultures they just eat different things. Things other than Filet Minon are delicacies!
Anyway, the food was VERY good and filling! A FUN new adventure for sure!

And then it came time to leave.
GAH I'm such a tear ball.
I had to say out loud "get it together Kimberly!"

He is good Y'all. The Lord is so good.
We may not have her yet but He is giving me opportunities to get closer.
Opportunities like eating lunch at this place & experiencing a little bit of Ethiopia with my best friend.

He know, He knows my heart & my weakness & hears our prayers.
The Holy Spirit groans with us in accordance to His will. (Rom 8:26)
Would you pray with us, would you groan with us, that He would bring her home this year?
Especially those of you who have waited for your precious ones from across that big ocean.
That 2013 would be the year she is forever ours?

Emily, thank you for an unforgettable/precious day!! I love you my friend!

Thank you for your prayers & kind words of encouragement!
Every person who has asked/said "any news" "how's it going" "I'm praying for you guys".
Oh Lily you are so loved already baby girl!

Tomorrow is Christmas Day in Ethiopia!! I'm praying this is her LAST year in Ethiopia!!! That next year she'll spend Christmas with US!!!

Here's an explanation to their calendar system:

It's actually pretty cool, I mean over there it's the year 2004!

Our Christmas this year was great! Started out a little weepy feeling like their was one missing, because there is BUT the Lord was ever present & filled us up to the brim with thanksgiving! We have a lot to be thankful for, esp this year.

This was probably my favorite gift & it wasn't even for me:

I have TONS of these in my momma's attic. I was a Cabbage Patch fanatic when I was a little girl!
I can't WAIT to give this to her!!!

We are still waiting& expectant! Our estimated wait time is 6-12 months. It could be longer.

Thank you for asking, thank you for praying.
Thank you Lord for grace during this time.
Do what only you can do, Lord!
Find Your glory here!
Our eyes are.on.YOU!

May the things of Earth grow strangely dim in the light of His glory & grace,


© 5plus1equals6