Thursday, October 4, 2012

T - 1

It's been a year.
We've been in this process for a year.
I can't believe it! I mean I can but I can't!
10.04.2011 is when we received approval into our agency.

And we have been waiting for ONE solid month!
I know it's only one but that's A LOT for this waiting momma!

And while we still haven't "heard" anything we are still excited and expectant!

We surprised our boys with a trip to Wild Adventures last Saturday.
It was #2&3's very first time to any theme park much less a roller coaster! I was
curious to see their reactions and they LOVED riding the coasters!

This was them waiting to ride their 1st one!


Me & Cam in line for our coaster :)

The swings are my favorite ride :)

My eye heart caught every.single. precious African American little girl.
I stared at their hair, cute outfits, eyelashes, little toes, their mommas holding them & honestly wanted to tear up but I couldn't!
{At this point in the waiting game the excitement is still fresh.}

Then we went over to the "African Safari" Train ride.

I'll be real honest, once you have seen, smelled, tasted the real thing, it's almost offensive to be in a "pretend" one. We sat in the back of the train directly in front of the young guy who talked over the mic about what he knew about the animals. When we got around to the Wildebeest he said a few facts about them and when he finished I turned to him and said "In Africa they call them "Veel-duh-beast." He laughed and it was fun talking about the real Africa. The kids loved it.

{on the train}

{night safari S. Africa, May 2012}

"Veel-duh-beest" aka Wildebeest

We thought of Lily the whole time but for obvious reasons we needed another RIDER! At 5 we are un-even :)

But also because just about every time E checked to see if he was tall enough to ride the poles looked like this:

The colors from the Ethiopian flag <3

We had yummy treats and then visited the Tiger Show.

The Tiger show did me in.
As we sat there waiting for the show to begin they were playing real, authentic African music. There really isn't as much talk about tigers in Africa as there are lions but never the less they were playing African music.
It took me baaaaaaaack to South Africa and made the teaaaaaars start comin'.

You just sometimes don't realize how much you miss something until you hear a sound, smell a smell or see a picture.

I missed Africa at that moment real bad. Like cover my face for a sec with the ugly cry, real bad.

The faces, the dirt, they way they say "I greet you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ" when someone stands before you, the way in prayer they say "Mighty God" many times because to them He is their mighty God and to us He's just what we call to when we need something, the desperation for Christ & they haven't heard yet, the smiles, the singing, their voices, the dry air, the baobab trees, the hugs, the bumpy roads, the rocks, the animals, the sweet juice every morning, the slow pace, the rawness, the boys at the shelter, playing football, their hands, their feet, those eyes.... I miss it.

And while I can't WAIT to see my daughter for the first time I can't WAIT to be back in Africa.
There is a longing to be back there nothing here satisfies.

Before we left Musina, S. Africa,  I asked our guide which way was Ethiopia. He pointed and so I went there and had a little moment by myself with the Lord. Emily had given me a card with "wishes" in it. You know, the little white things from dandelions. {we love wishing flowers} I took those wishes and turned them into prayers and blew them in her direction. Telling her we'd be coming back soon and couldn't wait to hold her. Asking the Lord to protect her and keep her safe, for her to remain healthy & keep her learning right on track.

This was my view:

 Over that fence and over those hills is where Ethiopia is.
 Over those hills lies something good.
 I know because God's Word says He's good to those who wait and hope in Him. {Lam 3:25}

And one day we'll be back and even closer.

Oh what a day of rejoicing that will be!!!

T - ONE month down, who knows how else many more?
He does.
So we wait.

May the things of Earth grow strangely dim in the light of His glory & grace,


Here's a link to a video of our groups favorite song while we were in Africa!


Tammy said...

beautiful blog Kim!! God's timing....He knows and He's ON IT!!

Am+a said...

Lovely post. Waiting is definitely hard. Glad you all had a fun family adventure together in the meantime; it sounds like your memories of S. Africa, though painful, are most precious. God is faithful!!

Recording Megow Adventures said...

beautiful words, from your beautiful heart!

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