This is Jesus speaking:
When you obey My commandments, you remain in My love, just as I obey my Father's commandments and remain in His love.
John 15:10
How do we remain/abide in His love?
How did Jesus remain/abide in His Father's love?
Through obedience.
Through obeying His commands.
What was the Father's command for His Son? What was His will for Jesus?
But it was the LORD's good plan to crush Him and cause Him grief. Yet
when His life is made an offering for sin, He will have many
descendants. He will enjoy a long life, and the LORD's good plan will
prosper in His hands.
Isaiah 53:10
God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him.
John 3:17
God's plan was for His Son Jesus to die.
To crush Him.
For Him to suffer.
To die.
And Jesus willingly obeyed His Father's command. Jesus was death.
I dare say Obedience = suffering & at times death
Dying to our flesh, daily. For myself, minute by minute.
Dying to our flesh, daily. For myself, minute by minute.
Jesus loved His Father and wanted to please His Father.
The expression of His love was His obedience.
He showed His Father how much He loved Him by submitting to His plan for Him to die.
Do we obey God's commands for a reward?
For a "blessing?"
Are we obeying Him just to receive something something out of it? A personal gain? A desire of the flesh satisfied?
Do we tithe "so we'll have all of our financial needs met" or do we simply tithe because God's Word says to tithe and because we love God and want to please Him we obey His Word?
Are we obeying to adopt so we'll have a cute little girl running around here with a pink tutu & converse and take super cute pictures of her to paste all over social media and my heart will be fulfilled having a girl to complete our tribe?
I confess to you it has taken me almost 3 years to come to the place of obedience with out a reward along this adoption road.
I say it to my kids all the time.
"My desire is for you to obey because you love me, not out of fear of discipline or for a reward."
What was Jesus' reward? Knowing He pleased His Father's plan for His life.
John 15: 11 is what got me this morning....
I have told you these things so that you will be filled with My joy.
Yes, your joy will overflow!
John 15:11
Jesus knew that obedience brings joy! That's what He's telling us these things.
When we obey we will be filled with HIS Joy.
The JOY of obedience.
Obedience = Suffering = Joy
I know, it's a mystery.
Not all obedience is easy, fun, feels good. In fact is produces suffering. But that suffering leads to JOY! His joy. Not joy from things of this world.
It sheds a whole 'nother light on:
The joy of the Lord is your strength!
Neh 8:10
Obedience leads to sacrifice. A giving up of something. A surrendering.
All throughout scripture obedience resulted in sacrifice.
When God told Abraham in Gen 12:1 to "leave your native country, your relatives & your father's family, and go to the land I will show you" he sacrificed & gave up a lot! And then God told Abraham to kill his only son Isaac as a sacrifice in Gen 22. Hello! But each time Abraham was obedient to God's command.
God's sacrifice for us was giving up His one and only Son.
He gave Him up so that WE would have eternal life.
Obedience may not feel good, make sense at times; chances are its in direct opposition to what your flesh desires but if you obey God's command and His will, it will lead to JOY. And that joy will be your STRENGTH.
Standing on the edge, choosing obedience, knowing it might result in a lot of suffering but knowing it will please the Lord when we walk in obedience is enough.
Dying to self and living life through the lens of eternity, the forever battle until Heaven.
May the things of Earth grow strangely dim in the light of His glory & grace,
On the shore of Haiti.
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