Monday, April 30, 2012


Do you know what today is?
It is the last day of the month.
April 30
The day we boldly asked the Lord to provide the amount we need for our agency fee.

And guess what.......

HE DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In a post on 4.28.12 we gave a break down of the approximate cost of this adoption process. The next goal we had was for the $6,000 agency fee. At that time we had $4,400 left. First of all, let me say that our agency offers a discount if you tithe! So this reduced our amount to $5,400!!!!

The night of this post as Roger and I were praying we asked the Lord with great boldness for this entire agency fee by end of April.

I admit to you this is the first time in my life I have ever asked for a specific amount by a specific date non the less! We told the Lord You have called us to this and we are confident that You will provide!!! And that if we don't receive this remainder of this fee by the end of April we trust that You have other things in mind and we are ok with that! You can't put a time table on the Lord peeps, He ways are NOT our ways! {Isaiah 55:8-9}

BUT He also says:

You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

John 14:14

This is not asking for a new car or bigger house, this is asking Jesus for what Jesus would ask for. For what would please Him and bring Him glory. And asking for something "in His name" is not to be taken lightly!! Our desires are His desires. Do you see it?  This is so comforting us to us!! And affirms that we are in His will!!! Such a humbling yet, Lord-give-us-wisdom place to be!!

Our fundraiser yesterday for Lilypalooza that 5 of our photographer friends were so gracious to do for us brought in $1,510!!!! And one of our brides sent in her final payment for her wedding!!
Guess what?!?!!?

So, what's next?

We wait to receive our Dossier (Doss-c-a) package from our agency. This will consist of another set of documents that we will send to Ethiopia, be translated, and wait for approval. This also comes with another hefty amount to pay.
We have applied for two grants. 
We should know the outcome of one by mid May and just mailed the other off so it will take a couple of weeks to hear from them.

We still have 2 fun-raisers going!!!!

I just love my family at Flint Community Bank!! You can swing by and purchase tickets or see me, I have some with me. 1 for $5 or 3 for $10!!


The TJ MAULDIN BAND is giving 100% of their album sales until the end of May to help us bring Lily home!!! Like them on Facebook!!
You can purchase their album here from iTunes!! 

Thank you so much for praying.
Thank you so much for giving.
Thank you so much for the support and encouraging words, hugs and notes!

"Thank you" will never feel like enough!

Lord!! All praise and honor and glory and recognition goes to You and only You!!!

May the things of Earth grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace,



Emily said...

YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!! NEXT, LORD!!! (funny how "next" used to have a negative connotation and now NEXT is like, PLEASE! NEXT!!!!!) <3

anything but LoKEY said...

woooohooooo!!! Praise the Lord and HALLELU-JAH!! So glad to hear this!!!!

AlwaysMe said...

I am SO over joyed for you and don't know of ANYONE more deserving. You truly touch my heart and inspire me each time I read or see anything about you and yours and our God! Thank you!

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